The Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences is pleased to announce the addition of new faculty member, Dr. Maria Cadario within the Reproduction Service.

Maria Cadario, MV, MS, DACT, DVM – Clinical Professor
Dr. Maria Cadario, Clinical Professor, will help lead the way for our new Equine Reproduction Ambulatory Service.
Dr. Cadario earned DVM (E.C.F.V.G.) certification from the American Veterinary Medical Association and her MV at the Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina. She also obtained her MS in Veterinary Medical Sciences from University of Florida’s College of Veterinary Medicine, where she also completed her residency in Theriogenology. Her research focuses on the infertile mare, with emphasis in endometritis, endocrinopathies and reproduction in the mare, and breeding management through embryo transfer. Dr. Cadario can be reached by e-mail at