Residency Program
The UF Veterinary Hospitals (UFVH) and the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences (LACS) offer a 3-year Master's Degree in Preventative Veterinary Medicine (MPVM) combined with a Residency Program in the Food Animal Reproduction and Medicine Service (FARMS).

Program Description
The Food Animal Reproduction and Medicine Service (FARMS) conducts instruction, service and research activities with food animals, in Florida. The breakdown of FARMS annual farm visits is: 56% dairy (75% caseload), 22% small ruminant (7% caseload), 16% beef (15% caseload) and 6% production swine (3% caseload). Virtually all these activities are on-farm, and they are heavily focused on preventive and production food animal medicine. FARMS undertakes clinical activities at private farms and ranches at both local and distant locations, providing herd health care (preventive medicine) and emergency support. In addition, FARMS has responsibility for the health of all agricultural animals used for research at the University. Herd health and regulatory responsibilities extend to University dairy, beef, sheep and swine units. FARMS provides experience in “hands on” cases as well as investigations of special problems throughout the State of Florida. Residents are an integral and significant part of this program, progressing towards greater autonomy with both clients and students as their residency progresses.
All residents will assist in student laboratories on a rotational basis. Residents are expected and encouraged to attend the formal teaching activities conducted by FARMS faculty in didactic courses as well as attend relevant seminars in the CVM, Department of Animal Sciences and other venues both on and off campus. These activities include State and National meetings in relevant areas. Regular scheduled participatory activities include student and Faculty/Resident journal clubs (which alternate weekly with student-led discussions of research journal papers), case rounds and research project discussions (at regular intervals) within FARMS. Residents are expected to help supervise student club activities for the Food Animal Club and Theriogenology Club, often on Saturdays. In addition, residents are required to present seminars at the Resident seminar series.
FARMS faculty, residents, and interns are involved with a number of research projects, acting both as principle investigators and co-investigators. Excellent collaboration exists with Animal Sciences as well as with other Departments in the CVM.
The objectives of the program are to train graduate veterinarians for careers in preventive and production food animal medicine. The ultimate objective is completion of a Master’s Degree in Preventative Veterinary Medicine and/or certification by the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine or the American College of Theriogenologists. This is achieved through development of clinical skills and judgment through supervised field experience, didactic course work, teaching of professional veterinary students and participation in clinic rounds and seminars.
Goals of the Residency Program
The program is designed to provide a broad-based knowledge of the fundamentals of food animal reproduction and medicine including the following:
- Herd health and management
- Reproductive management
- Nutrition management
- Mastitis control
- Infectious disease control
- Neonate health and management
- Foot health
- Parasite control
- Toxicosis prevention
- Responsible drug use and residue prevention
- Therapeutics
- Necropsy/Pathology
- DVM degree or equivalent
- One or more years of an approved internship or practice experience in food animal medicine is required
- Candidate must be fluent in English
- Valid U.S. driver’s license
Resident Selection Procedure
Residents are recruited from internship programs or private practices. FARMS faculty evaluate the application pool and select the candidates. Selection will be based on:
- The individual’s curriculum vitae including college transcripts
- A statement of interests and goals
- Reference letters from a minimum of three qualified individuals
- Prior veterinary experience
- Previous scholarly activities
- Optional interview is encouraged
Applicants must complete the standard VIRMP application, including a personal statement/letter of intent, copy of academic transcripts, CV, and 3-4 letters of reference. We encourage in-person interviews for resident candidates.
Case Load
FARMS sees ~40,000 cases per year; therefore, our residents serve as primary clinician on a large number of the cases seen by the FARMS service. We also encourage the residents to take the lead on employee training and troubleshooting disease outbreaks or management issues at the clients’ farms.
Responsibilities of Residents During Their Clinical Training
Responsibilities of FARMS residents consist of clinical assignments, which include patient care, participation in the clinical teaching of veterinary students, lectures to underclassmen, resident seminars, and some participation in the Theriogenology and palpation laboratories and continuing education courses. Responsibilities will include rotating night and weekend emergency duty.
Academic Requirements
All residents must conduct a research project, and prepare a manuscript in a format acceptable for publication in a refereed journal. Requirements of specialty boards will be completed in accordance with the board requirements.
MPVM Requirements
A total of 30 credits will be required as fulfillment of the requirements for the MPVM degree.
This includes 12 credits from the following required courses:
- 3 credits in Veterinary Epidemiology: VME 6771 Veterinary Epidemiologic Research (3 credits; Fall)
- 3 credits in Biostatistics: STA 6166 Statistical Methods in Research I or equivalent (3 credits; Fall, Spring)
- 2 credits in department/college graduate seminars: options in CVM VME 6937L Graduate Seminar Series (1 credit; Spring); VME 6932 Physiological Sciences Seminar Series (1 credit; Fall, Spring); VME 6933 Seminars in Infectious Diseases & Immunology (1 credit; Fall, Spring); VME 6934 Interdisciplinary Seminars in Reproduction and Production Medicine (1 credit; Fall, Spring)
- 1 credit in Responsible Conduct of Research: VME 6767 Issues in the Responsible Conduct of Research (1 credit; Fall)
- 3 credits in Capstone Project: VME 6905 Problems in Veterinary Medical Sciences
More information regarding the MPVM program and requirements can be found here: Master’s Degree in Preventative Veterinary Medicine
Residency Certificate Requirements
- Each resident will present one seminar per year in the CVM Resident Seminar Series. Topics must be selected three months in advance.
- Each resident must complete a research project and have one major manuscript submitted or ready for submission to a refereed journal by the end of his or her program.
- The Residency Program Coordinator maintains a folder for each resident. Residents are responsible for keeping their file current by noting fulfillment of required obligations, updating their curriculum vitae, and providing a copy of all manuscripts submitted for publication.
- A certificate of residency will be awarded at the end of the residency only when stipulated requirements are satisfied and the resident’s committee members have signed the Residency Completion Form.
Rounds and Seminars
The FARMS Section meets weekly on Fridays for journal club, student case presentation, and seminar for students. The residents are required to participate in all activities by presenting research articles, participating in case discussions, and presenting seminars to students. Residents are required to present a seminar to fellow residents and faculty as part of the Resident Seminar Series every year.
Residents will produce at least one manuscript during their program. Resident research projects must be reviewed by the resident’s (Masters of Science or American Board of Veterinary Practitioners) advisor as well as appropriate FARMS faculty. Each resident will be expected to participate in an independent or joint prospective study and/or original research and the resident is encouraged to seek funding from both local and national sources. An annual Resident Research Award Competition through the Dean’s office funds many small resident projects (up to $2,500.00) with (mandatory) faculty assistance.
Resident Evaluation
The FARMS faculty will evaluate the progress of each resident every semester. This serves for guidance of the resident and to provide constructive criticism to aid their clinical, academic and professional development. Each resident will be requested to evaluate the residency program annually, and the FARMS faculty at the end of their program. The University of Florida is an equal opportunity employer with a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion. Applications by members of all underrepresented groups are encouraged.
Current Residents & Interns
Oscar Alejandro Ojeda Rojas DVM, MS, PhD.
Ameer A Megahed DVM
Ahmadreza Mirzaei

Désiré Crispin Iradukunda
Contact Information
Please contact FARMS Residency Coordinator Dr. Brittany N. Diehl,, with any questions.