Clinical Rotations
Are you about to start your FARM Service Rotation? Keep on reading to find out more.

Departure times and student assignments are on the Canvas site for the VEM5735 course for the respective semester and in Deriso Hall at the Field Lab door. These assignments are generally posted by 10:00 AM of the Friday preceding your rotation.
An orientation to the rotation will usually be given on the first day of the rotation as per the Canvas schedule. Be prompt!
Routinely, departures will be from the FARM Service field laboratory at the back of Deriso Hall.
It is your responsibility:
- To be on time
- with boots
- clean cover-all
- stethoscope
- thermometer
- hemostats
- pen, paper
- and a cheery attitude!
You should be prepared to spend all day on rotations, therefore it highly recommended to bring lunch and a drink in an insulated lunch box. Should you have any questions, please see Michelle Driver, the FARM Service Receptionist/ Clerk, or any of the FARMS clinicians.
Enjoy your stay with the FARM Service.
Food Animal Reproduction and Medicine Service Clerkship Ground Rules for Students on Farms Rotation (This is a brief overview of the course syllabus which can be seen in its entirety on the Canvas site.
I. Preface:
We are guests on all of the units/farms we work and should conduct ourselves accordingly. For the purpose of uniformity, the following guidelines are offered:
- Wear clean coveralls
- Clean boots
- Neat professional appearance
- An attitude of professionalism and problem solving
- Stethoscope, thermometer, hemostats, paper, and pencil/pen required
II. Service Structure:
FARMS Clinical Faculty:
Fiona Maunsell, BVSc, MS, PhD
Clinical Associate Professor, Service Chief
Klibs Galvão, DVM, MPVM, PhD
Rafael S. Bisinotto, MV, MS, PhD
Assistant Professor
Brittany Diehl, DVM, MS
Clinical Assistant Professor
Pedro Monteiro, DVM, MBA, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor
FARMS Residents & Interns:
Tomas Gonzalez, DVM, MS – resident
Oscar Alejandro Ojeda Rojas, DVM, MS, PhD – resident
Ameer Megahed, DVM – resident
Ahmadreza Mirzaei – intern
III. Rotation Organization:
Core rotations are two weeks long. An optional two-week elective rotation is also available. Three to six students are assigned to FARM Service at any one time.
Visits are made to one or two farms per weekday. The duration of each visit varies, as do departure times. Consult the FARM Service calendar/schedule for departure times. On Friday, student presentations/case rounds and clinicians’ literature reviews will take place. If scheduling permits, students will also attend CVM seminars.
IV. Student Responsibilities:
- Client visits: Be prompt, properly attired, and in problem solving mode for all farm visits.
- Emergency duty: A student is on call each weekday evening and all day on the weekends and holidays. Check the duty schedule.
- Literature Review: All students will participate in a scientific-literature review to be given on the last Friday of the rotation. The paper will be selected by students or faculty on the first Friday of the rotation. It must be pertinent to the field of herd health, food animal reproduction or preventive medicine, and must be approved by a faculty member. The objective is to stimulate discussion and to introduce the student to critical reading of the literature.
- Case presentations: An informal case rounds presentation will be given at the end of each week’s work. In addition, elective students will prepare a consultant type farm report for a visit which they went on during the elective rotation. This report should focus on a health or management problem that was seen and preventive measures discussed. Sample farm reports are available in the FARM Service conference room for review.
V. General Objectives:
The general objectives of the Food Animal Reproduction Medicine Service Clerkship are to:
- provide instruction for the prevention, control, and treatment of infectious/non-infectious, parasitic diseases and poisonings of food animal species as encountered on farm calls during the rotation. To attain these goals, individuals must develop a minimum level of expertise in basic clinical knowledge and skills.
- provide a clinical experience with an emphasis on programmed health care delivery for a flock or herd of animals.
- provide emergency health care services for the herd, flock, or individual animal.
- provide clients and personnel continuing education.
- provide the clerkship students with an appreciation of the economic value of an individual animal and herd or flock.
VI. Specific Objectives:
Each student should be able to perform or demonstrate proficiency in each of these large animal clinical procedures in a satisfactory manner. If the student does not have the opportunity to perfect these, seek instruction from FARM Service clinicians to practice and develop these skills.
VII. Preparation:
On the FARM Service rotation, you will directly contribute to the veterinary care of animals. Be prepared for the rotation by reminding yourself in advance of some of the procedures you will likely encounter. These references are compiled in a booklet kept in the reading room. It is suggested you read these before starting the rotation.
- Preventive Medicine – lecture notes
- Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases – lecture handouts
- Clinical examination of cattle
- Rosenberger G. Clinical Examination of Cattle. Verlag Paul Parey/W.B.Saunders. 1979:68-79.
- Restraint of cattle and calves, including the use of ropes.
Aanes WA. Physical restraint. In: HE Amstutz, editor. Bovine Medicine and Surgery, vol.2; 2nd edition. American Veterinary Publications, Sta. Barbara, California. 1980: 1128-1147. - Regulatory Medicine
a. Antibiotic use and withdrawal times
b. Vaccinations: which animals, when, and where, and how are they identified. - Examination, diagnostic work-up, and treatment of cows with mastitis
Rosenberger G. Clinical Examination of Cattle. Verlag Paul Parey/ W.B.Saunders. 1979:350-363. - The correct and safe use of hoof knives and other tools used in the treatment of bovine hoof disease.
- Regional analgesia of the flank, tail, horn, and eyes.
Benson GJ, Thurmon JC. Regional analgesia of food animals. In: JL Howard, editor. Food Animal Therapy, 2nd edition. W.B.Saunders 1986:71-83. - The diagnosis of the displaced abomasum and its treatment.
Saint Jean GD, Hull BL, Hoffsis GF, Rings MD. Comparison of the different surgical techniques for the correction of abomasal problems. Comp Cont Educ Pract Vet 1987; 9(11):F377-F384. Ames KN, Left displaced abomasum. Agri Pract. 1987; 8(3):11-14. - Examination of the reproductive organs by rectal palpation.
BonDurant RH. In DA Morrow editor. - Current Therapy in Theriogenology 2nd edition. W.B.Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1986: 95-100.
If you have questions about the animal industry or aspects of food animal veterinary medicine, please ask. We realize that most of you will not be entering food animal practice, but hope that this introduction to food animal practice will allow you, an insight into how a food animal enterprise operates and how veterinarians contribute to these industries.
VIII. Grading:
Students are graded on knowledge of the subject area, clinical performance, professional attitude, and readiness to practice. All clinicians and residents are involved in the grading process. A great part of your grade will depend you’re your promptness, alertness, reliability, attitude, and attendance.
If you must be absent, contact the instructor as early as possible. Let us know if you are sick. All communicate with Dr. House to document illness or injury. If something unexpected comes up, let us know.
If, toward the end of your rotation, you feel there is something you have missed, let us know. We will do our best to provide you with a learning opportunity.
Enjoy your stay in the FARM Service.