We are a collaborative core lab facility supporting small ruminant, beef and dairy cattle research. Our primary focus is to facilitate research requiring micro and molecular biology technologies.

Our group focuses on the relationship of bacteria to animal health. We are committed to understanding contributions each bacterial species makes to disease onset and progression. Therefore the lab assists in identification and specialized growth conditions for various bacterial species.

PCR is necessary part of the pipeline for several analyses. While we facilitate these, our focus is on adapting techniques to use PCR to answer biological questions. Current studies are focusing on differentiating and quantifying viable bacteria in various sample matrices.

Bacterial genome analyses informs microbiome interpretation, virulence potential, and antibiotic resistance capacity. While we assist in these analyses, our focus is on annotating bacterial genomes and predict colonization patterns, microbe-microbe and microbe-host interactions.

Circulating hormone levels are informative from a disease and reproductive standpoint. In addition to expertise conducting various manual ELISAs, we are leaders in adapting automated systems for animal use.

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